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50 questions to ask your kids other than "How was school"
Do you get the same answer every day?
Does your son suddenly forget about his entire day the minute he gets home from school?
Does your daughter give one word answers like "fine" or "good" when you ask how her day was?

It can be tough to get some kids talking, but as a parent, you know it is important to stay connected and informed. 

Asking the right questions is the key to getting the answers you are really looking for, but 
knowing what to ask is the hardest part.

Click the link below to receive a free download of 50 questions to ask your child about his or her day at school, without asking "how was school?". 

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A collection of 99 questions creatively designed to capture the story of your family’s lives! The first 12 are free, here. Ask these questions to your parents, grandparents, or answer them yourself!
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